New Game: Word War I

The last few weeks I've been busy developing a game for the Word Play competition. It is inspired by the old Paratroopers game. The paratroopers are letters and to shoot them down you have to type the word that the paratroopers are forming. Which would be easy except some of the letters are missing. Anyways, I tried out new web based screen capture program called Screenr and here is a short video showing the first level of Word War I:

2 Response to "New Game: Word War I"

  • Alexander Schearer Says:

    Hey Phil your game looks quite cool! The graphics are clean and simple in a good way. I like the way you handle the instructions, the transitions are slick. And it's clever how you've mixed in some different gameplay mechanics such as hangman -- though it wasn't super clear to me at first, it's hard to discern the actual hangman picture. Anyway, best of luck in the contest!

  • Tony Says:

    Ah very nice, I like it!

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